Nick Hurdle in peanuts

The UGA Extension peanut team’s play a two-fold role in the sustainability of peanut production in Georgia. The primary role is to support the peanut growers throughout Georgia through the help of Extension agricultural agents located in each county.

Our team provides support through trainings, education and other resources, including:

  • Extension newsletters
  • Blogs, bulletins and publications
  • Classroom and in-field trainings
  • Field visits to conduct troubleshooting and in-field diagnostics
  • Distance education
  • Mass media programs

The Extension peanut team works closely with University of Georgia (UGA) peanut researchers, along with USDA peanut researchers throughout Georgia, the United States and the world, to develop unbiased, research-based production information. The Extension peanut team examines research findings and adapts them to current production practices through applied research trials, on-farm demonstrations, and grower production meetings to ensure they are beneficial for peanut growers.

*Note: Once logged in to the County Agent portal, please scroll to the bottom of the page for the latest Peanut Pointers.